How to hold pads

How to hold pads

Holding pads the right way isn’t always easy but everyone can learn with a bit of patience and persistence. Once you learn everyone will want to train with you and your boxing experience will be more enjoyable! Follow these steps and you’ll be holding pads like a champion in no time:

1. Stand in your boxing stance – This gives you a solid base to hold pads from. It’s also how you would stand and catch punches in a fight.

2. Hold pads close together – Remember the pads are imitating someone’s head so holding them out wide near your shoulders isn’t realistic.

3. Hold pads at your head height – Your pads are the opponents head, so when holding for hooks just turn your hands (don’t reach out or drop your hands near your chest). For uppercuts hold your pads near your chin.

4. Give pads resistance – Catching someone’s punches can be daunting and tricky if you let it be. Try to hold the pads still, just as the punch is coming towards the pad quickly move the pad forward into the punch. Don’t catch them too far out in front. Remember to catch them near your head.

5. Stay relaxed – Just like in a real fight, it is important to stay relaxed. Keep your arms and shoulders relaxed and remember to breathe!

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